How to be a good blogger?, or How to be a successful blogger? It is what you will learn in this article if you decide to dive to the last line.

Here are the 10 ultimate tips you must follow to be a good blogger:

  • Be organized, consistent, and a strategist
  • Update yourself on your sector constantly
  • Learn about SEO (and other interesting subjects)
  • Empathize with your target readers
  • Write the best internet content
  • Make all your content scannable
  • Lean on free online tools
  • Research your competition
  • Build relationships with your community
  • Monetize the blog by thinking about your audience

1. Be organized, consistent, and a strategist

When you create a blog to earn money, you must take it seriously and look for ways to make it grow as quickly as possible.

Being organized, constant, and strategic is key for you to achieve your goals.

So that you can be organized with your blog, I leave you the following recommendations:

On paper or digital sheet write your weekly work schedule on the blog and stick to it

Create a content calendar in order to maintain a good organization and frequency of publications

Organize the space in which you will dedicate yourself to blogging

To achieve constancy you absolutely need to write about what you like, it is the reality in the world of blogging. If you enter a topic to write only because it is more profitable than others, you may not be constant because it is not what you really like to do.

And being a strategist is not easy, but in time you will become one. In fact, it is one of the characteristics of professional bloggers.

Every action you take on your blog do it with some objective, practice what you fail, and make digital strategies, even if they are not the best, believe them.

For your blog to be a great success, you must be a successful blogger.

2. Update yourself on your sector constantly

If there is one thing I am sure of, it is that many bloggers and bloggers do not keep up to date with their sector.

This is a huge flaw.

Knowing the trends and statistics of your niche will allow you to know if you are on the right track and if you are adapting to current requirements.

A simple internet search such as “what are the trends of ….. in 2023” will help you to be well-informed about your sector.

But there are more actions you can do. Here I leave you 2 that keep me abreast of everything that revolves around my blog:

  1. Follow social media accounts, there must be hundreds of experts in your sector and you have to follow them immediately. Well, not everyone, just the ones you think are most important. As a rule, you will only follow those who are active, don't waste your time following people who post once a year.
  2. Bookmark official websites, for example, if your sector is health, you should bookmark (or use some other mechanism if you want) the WHO official website. If your sector is marketing, Hubspot is a good option to browse constantly.


As you will see, to be a good blogger you must be a permanent and curious student, above all.

3. Learn about SEO (and other interesting subjects)

Doing SEO on your blog is essential for it to position itself in Google and other search engines.

The myth has been spread that SEO has no return on investment, it is a vile lie, what is true is that its results are medium to long-term. But totally worth it!

With a good SEO strategy, your blog will be visible in search results and will rank higher for qualified users to enter. The closer you get to the top positions, the better.

Here I leave you a guide that Google itself gives on SEO.

However, not all the efforts you make should be dedicated to organic positioning, there are more matters that you should explore.

Some of those subjects are:

  • Copy
  • Web design
  • Digital Marketing

Do you wonder, how to make people read my content? or how to make an attractive text? Well, in the copy you will find the answers. Learning about web design and online marketing, you will discover how to make a robust, profitable, and optimal blog for the user experience 


I believe that every great blogger should study content marketing.

If you have been publishing articles for a short time, after learning about content marketing and its strategies, it will change the way you make and plan content.

4. Empathize with your target readers

Be an empathic blogger.

If you write content for yourself, no matter how you do it, it will only be consumed by you. But the thing changes when you write articles to address another person.

You must put yourself in the shoes of your reader, and understand his needs, his feelings, and even fears. You will do all this with the aim that each managed line on your blog is not a waste.

One of the ingredients for a blog to be a total success is empathy. It does not matter if you monetize by affiliation or advertising, it is necessary.

There are ways to get to know your audience deeply, one of the most used is interaction.

Interact in the comments and on social networks with those who comment so that you get to know them little by little better.

Also, conduct questions or surveys through the social networks you use (once or every two months) so you can better discover what traits people in your community share.

For all the data you collect, attach in a digital sheet and take them into account when writing your next pieces of information.

5. Write the best internet content

When you are a freelance copywriter you have one thing well memorized: I must write the best content on the entire internet. And this phrase is very applicable when you are a blogger.

If you publish content that is not better than the rest is a waste of time, users will see it and say: it is the same as what I read before.

The situation is serious when you don't even write the content, if not you dedicate yourself to copying articles from other blogs... I wouldn't even consider you a blogger! Well, it's a fictional situation, right?

To create the best content on the internet (or the best possible) a good experience is necessary, but fortunately, you can follow some practices to try to achieve it, pay attention:

  • Find out what content is positioned in Google and find out what you can do to improve it
  • Get as much information as possible about the topic you are going to write about
  • Write the content and let it sit for a day
  • Read the content again and correct the finger errors and other faults
  • Remember that to be well informed about a topic and, above all, to tell true data, you must rely on official sources or the most reliable ones.

Over time you will publish a lot of content, some will be aimed at beginners and others at experts. At the end of the day, you will have hundreds of articles that are not the same but need updating. How much time do you need to spend on each content (for beginners and experts) and updating them?

To answer both questions, an article by Neil Patel will help us. According to him, this is the new way of blogging:

  • Spend 40% of your time creating basic content
  • Spend 10% of your time creating advanced content
  • Spend 20% of your time updating old content
  • Spend 30% of your time marketing your content

What do you think of the process? If it catches your attention, apply it and see if it is the new way of blogging in your own flesh. Neil Patel is a man with a long history in blogging!

Topics I recommend you read

  • How to promote a blog: 10 strategies that do not fail
  • What are the 16 characteristics of a really good blog?

What to blog: 10 types of content to produce and how to find ideas

6. Make all your content scannable

If you manage to write the best content but neglect its scannability, no one will read it.

Making all your content scannable will help readers feel more comfortable on your blog and have a good read.

Every good blogger knows that the content should be presented in the following way:

  • Nested with subtitles
  • With lists and bullets
  • With Images
  • Written with short paragraphs of maximum 5 lines
  • Part of the texts are marked with bold, italics, and underlining
  • With decent white spacing (to give the reader visual rest)

All this set of actions serves to make an article scannable and, therefore, digestible. In addition, it motivates the reader to return later to consume other content due to the good experience they obtained.

As an extra recommendation, write all your content in the easiest way according to the audience you have.

Here just use logic.

For example, if your audience is scientists, write as they would like and with the words they use, on the other hand, if your audience is young students, the language you use in your texts should be with few technicalities. Write at the same level as your audience, do not send them to use the dictionary after each paragraph they read.


7. Lean on free online tools

Google will be your toolbox.

In it, you will find hundreds of free online tools for you to be a good blogger.

It is true that there are poor tools, but there are also very good ones that you don't even know why they are free. The grace is that you try various online tools, look for new ones and make a list of the ones that have been most useful to you and discard the unusable ones.

Here are some that I use on a daily basis:


1. Canvas

This is what I was referring to when I said that there are tools that we don't even know why they are free.

I use Canva frequently to make images, infographics, backgrounds, and countless other designs.

It's so easy to use that any child could master it with minimal practice. It allows you to make carousels for Instagram, images for Twitter, and if you want a custom size. It has a PRO version to get more benefits, but with the free version, you will surely be satisfied.

7.2. Semrush

It is a tool that I use (more lately) to research keywords, know the competition, track positions, and other relevant SEO aspects. In its free version, you can perform up to 7 searches a day, to try it you just have to register.

7.3. Answer The Public

You will have plenty of content ideas if you start using this online tool.

Just enter the keyword in the search bar and if you want more specific information, select a country and language.

If you run out of ideas to make content for your blog, this tool will be your salvation. The negative aspect is that it only allows you to use it 3 times a day. Take good advantage of every opportunity!

7.4. Google Analytics

It is mandatory for you to use this powerful analytics tool as a blogger.

By linking your blog with Google Analytics, you will begin to learn very interesting information about your visitors so that based on it you can make good decisions and be aware of the current situation of your blog.

It's completely free!

7.5. Google Search Console

With Google Search Console I perform many tasks, from indexing articles to optimizing them.

Yes, or yes, you should use this free online tool to correct all the errors that your blog presents and optimize it to the maximum. In case you were wondering, is the content manager that Pleybast is built on. It is very practical and has so many benefits that it keeps me hooked on it. I consider WordPress to be a viable tool and one that should be given a chance.

8. Research your competition

Investigating is one of the main qualities of a good blogger.

Your blog will most likely have competition, regardless of whether it is big or small, you should research it and understand what it has done and what it is doing. You can start from the homepage and go to the different sections. Using tools and extensions is appropriate in this process.

Try to identify points of improvement of all kinds: in design, content, or structure. With all the data that you manage to extract, you will analyze them and start from them to enhance your blog.

Is the design of your competition's articles unattractive? Well, optimize it on your blog, don't you do SEO? Work on the SEO of your blog. Attack the weak points and be better at their strengths.

The idea is that you are not the same as the rest, but rather a differentiating element.

If the competition is extensive, focus on at least the top 5. Make a list of them and be aware of what they publish and what changes they make. Browsing through the social networks of each blogger (or blog) is part of the investigation.

9. Build relationships with your community

Both the comments and the emails left by your community must be answered as soon as possible so that your blog is not frowned upon or you are branded as a bad blogger. To get people to leave their comments, you can apply one or another strategy, such as leaving an incomplete idea to be finished or asking small questions throughout the content for readers to answer.

This is about you creating sincere, lasting relationships based on mutual respect. With a large community, your blog will be more recognized and since you are the protagonist, you will become part of the bloggers with great achievements.


10. Monetize the blog by thinking about your audience

A good blogger is characterized by monetizing his blog in the right way for himself and for his audience. To earn money with a blog there are multiple strategies and several of them can be introduced over time (advertising, affiliation, sponsorships, or even donations)

Depending on your goals and the way you want to live from your website, you will choose some models, but without forgetting your audience.

For example, if you opt for advertising, integrate advertising banners in the most suitable spaces and in not excessive quantities so that the experience of your readers is not affected.

If you write sponsored content, check that the brand has a good reputation and that it connects with the needs of the public you are targeting. You will not publish a sponsored article on blenders when, for example, your audience is interested in hosting! With matters of affiliation and sponsorship, you must be careful because a bad recommendation can destroy all the credibility that you worked so hard to build.


How to be a good blogger? It is the question that I have answered in the form of advice so that you understand what actions you must take to achieve your goals. The user wonders, can I really be a good blogger? And I firmly believe that if he puts his mind to it, he can be the best blogger to ever step on the internet. Everything is in his hands and his desire to achieve success.