A page can be viewed in various ways since there are different devices, so it is important to think about the experience of your users. Discover in this post how responsive and adaptive design can help your site to be mobile-friendly. 

In general, terms, creating a sales page with responsive design (derived from the English "responsive") means adapting your site to the various types of devices that someone can use to access the internet and open a page. In other words, responsive design is one that adapts to any screen you use to access any content, regardless of the size of that screen.

But before trying to understand how to create a sales page with mobile access in mind, you need to know why it is important to your strategy. That is why in this post we will show you:

After reading these topics we are sure that you will feel ready to start creating your sales page with a focus on mobile access.

Good reading!

What is responsive design?

It is a type of design used in websites, applications, and digital materials, whose function is to adapt the content of the formats to different types of screens. Responsive websites change the structure of the interface to improve the experience of visitors no matter what device they use.

In these times, responsive design ceased to be a suggestion, to become a must-have resource with the aim of increasing reach, diversifying the experience, and converting more visitors.

Responsive Design Features

If you still have doubts about what makes a responsive website different from a normal one, here we leave you its main characteristics.

1. Adaptability

In responsive design, the structure of the website must be flexible, which means that the architecture has to be designed in a way that the widths of the page can be modified according to the user's screen.

If this detail is not taken into consideration to adapt tables and columns, for example, to the width of the screen, we can generate display problems according to the device used by the visitor.

2. Flexible content

Within a responsive design, not only is a flexible structure important, but it is also crucial that the content itself is.

This means that the combination of text, images, videos, typography, and other essential elements on a website must be able to adapt to the type of screen.

3. Navigation

When it comes to navigation, there are apps that make the templates used to create websites responsive. This allows some elements to be correctly resized, such as the menu, images, or texts, according to the device used to navigate.

The reason for this is that not everything should look the same on all devices; for example, images should be viewed in a different position on a desktop computer than they would be on mobile devices, such as a phone.

4. Waiting time

Considering that smartphones have a certain bandwidth, if you use too much content or unoptimized images, it will increase the load time and make the user experience less pleasant.

Here lies the importance of content optimization, as it has the purpose of reducing the loading time of the website and improving the browsing experience.

How do people consume the internet?

When the internet was nothing more than a distant dream, its purpose was to allow researchers to use computers from other institutions if the calculations were too big or if the other center was better. In this way, academics began to use the Internet in the late 1980s.

Commercially, the network began in the early 1990s, and access to the Internet was only through a very slow modem. High-speed internet (at the time) was only for the lucky few and the work.

But in 1996, broadband began to be rolled out, and by 2010 more than 65% of Americans already had broadband available. Despite this, it was still necessary to have computers to access the network, which restricted access to the Internet.

Over time, new improvements emerged and the commercial price of equipment and other devices that now support the use of the Internet became more accessible to the population. Furthermore, being able to use the internet on other devices, especially smartphones, has played an important role in the increase of people connected to the web.

More than 40% of the world's population has access to the internet and people have developed new habits when it comes to this technology. According to a recent study on mobile technology trends KPCB, today 51% of Americans access the Internet using their smartphone.

Due to these changes in the way people consume the internet around the world and in the different devices used to access the web, it was necessary to create pages that could be viewed on any screen.

And this is where responsive design comes in!

But before understanding how it works, it is necessary to know the types of layouts that are most used.

Most used designs

As we have seen, in the past Internet pages were accessed through computers, so no major design changes were required. After all, the size of the screens was the same, so the way everyone viewed the pages was also the same.

It was very common to use two types of design: the fixed and the fluid.

1. Fixed design

This type of design has fixed sizes already defined in pixels, that is, it adapts to a certain screen size. That's why it's not possible to have the same experience on a fixed-layout page on desktop and mobile. You may not even be able to see the entire page if you change the screen size.

In the period when most people used only computers to surf the internet, the fixed layout was very efficient. After all, you would need to set up your page layouts only once and replicate them every time you make a new page.

However, it was necessary to change that scenario so that different people, who used any type of device with Internet access, managed to have the same experiences on the same page.

2. Fluid design

Due to the need to adapt the elements that make up a page to be accessed from different devices, the fluid design was created. It uses relative units to define size and format settings on each page.

This means that pixels are not used and have been replaced by percentages, which makes it possible to adapt to different screen sizes. For example, if you set a page width of 70%, regardless of the width of the screen the page is opened on, it will always take up 70% of the space.

But even though a fluid layout is much more flexible than a fixed layout, it was necessary to further improve the user experience with the pages. So, the best option to cater to all types of devices that access the internet is responsive design.

Site sizes for different screens

The ideal screen size that should be designed for each website is a very difficult question to answer. This will be determined by the study or research of the target audience or the buyer person.

However, there are default screen resolution settings used around the world for responsive measurements:

  • Small screen phones: 360 x 640.
  • Phones with medium screens: 375 x 667.
  • Large screen phones: 720 x 1280.
  • Average PC: 1366 x 768.
  • Large PC: 1920 x 1080.

It's worth keeping in mind that computer users don't always have their screen set to its highest resolution. Likewise, on television screens, where many users navigate, responsiveness must also enter the equation.

Meaning of responsive design

Responsive design can be even better than fluid design. With it, it is possible to modify not only the size of the page but also the format and the dimension. Thus, when a person accesses your page, he can have an excellent browsing experience, since he will not have any content changes.

Having a responsive design means worrying about the different ways people view your sales page. Even if there is some modification, so that all uploaded material appears clearly for all users, the changes will only be in the form of the layout in the browser used.

This means that a page with responsive design is one in which the texts, images, and everything else that is available for online consultation can increase, decrease or change position proportionally, in addition to adjusting according to the size of the screen.

And how is it possible?

Responsive design is based on media queries, which define how each page should behave on each device used to open a website.

Basically, when you use media queries on your page you can define different and personalized styles according to each internet browser. That is, it is not necessary to make different designs for each device. The page will always be the same, with all the content the same, however, it will be adapted according to each medium that is used to load your site.

In a nutshell, responsive design is one that is organized in the best possible way according to the device used by the user.

Reasons to create a page with responsive design

  • As you have noticed, the ease of access to the internet allowed people to have easier contact with the network. And because they are different, users also use various types of devices to browse the web.
  • These devices range from very small screens, such as smartphones, to very large screens, such as televisions. So if you want all people to have access to your content, you should think about responsive design. And beyond that reason, there is also another reason to think about this type of design.
  • It is known that the marketing of content is essential for your business to be recognized on the network, in addition, the better you are ranked in Google searches, the more visibility your brand will have. That is why it is very important to be on the first page of search results online and among the first 5 places.
  • Thinking about it, Google has used several features to rank pages as the best solutions for certain problems: something that helps your page rank better is when it is mobile-friendly.
  • Having a page that is mobile responsive helps to better position your brand in search results, which is optimal for an SEO (search engine optimization) strategy.
  • In addition, being friendly can also influence when a user decides not to click on your page. After all, if you're on a mobile device, the preference will be for sites that load fast on mobile phones.

When it comes to saving time and even money, responsive design is also a great option, especially if you think that you need to make several different pages according to each screen used by users. In short: if you use a responsive design you will have to create only one page.


7 responsive design tips to apply to your website and make it mobile friendly

Bonus: the 3 main components of responsive design

Now that you have an idea of the importance of creating a sales page with mobile in mind, it's time to get down to business and make a responsive design.

To help you, here are some tips on how you can start thinking about this type of design. It may be that, depending on the level of your programming knowledge, you need someone who understands more about a 100% mobile-friendly page. But we have 3 suggestions that are already a great start that you can use right now!

1. Flexible images

Images are the first item you have to think about. Use light images, that is, they can be loaded on any device. And never define the fixed height and width of those images, that way they will fit better to the grid that you are going to use.

2. Fluid Grids

In building your layout, remember to use fluid grids. In them are all the elements of your site, so, if they are fluid and, above all, sized in percentages, the content of your site will be adjusted according to the size of the screen on which it is loaded.

3. Media queries

As we showed before, media queries are essential for responsive design, as they will adapt your sales page according to the size, resolution, and even the orientation of the device used by the user.

But if you still have any questions about how to technically apply responsive design to your sales page, there is always the option of hiring this type of service. Nowadays, there are many developers who offer this type of service.

Then, you can search and calculate if the best strategy is to have someone specialized in development in your team or to outsource this service.

Responsive Design Example


Netflix is a company that has understood responsive design as an invaluable resource to attract users and deliver a differentiated viewing experience.

Regardless of which device you access your content from, be it through smartphones, tablets, computers, or televisions, you will always find an optimized browsing experience and find the content you want to consume with just a few touches of the screen.

The structure, the menus, the images, the text, and even the player itself, are based on a responsive design, which provides an improved interface ready to be handled by any user as if it were from the same device.

The era of responsive design has arrived

If your goal is for everyone to have a complete experience on your sales page, then you need to start using responsive design. Now you know that there is no longer only one type of screen to access your content. You have also seen that there are several options for internet browsers. So the ideal is to have a design that can be adapted to various situations.

That's why define the profile of your users and try to identify the main devices they use to access your content. After clarifying it, implement a responsive design on your sales page.

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