Blog or Facebook: Both digital channels are excellent for the growth of a business or personal brand, but the blog is the one that has the most weight in terms of benefits. A blog is completely yours and a Facebook page is not. The blog is better than Facebook! The blog and social networks are a combination that every business or person must choose to make themselves known, grow and generate profitability. However, it cannot be said that both are the same, much less than Facebook and blog are…

But before expressing their differences, how much do you know about the definitions of blog and Facebook? Let's see it.

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What is a blog?

A blog is a type of website where content on a specific topic is uploaded. Each uploaded content is characterized by being of value to the target audience and is called "entry". You are currently in a blog entry.

The one behind the blog is popularly known as a blogger: a person who creates quality online content to publish it on the internet through their blog. He is also the one who manages it.

What is a blog for?

A blog in the field of business is used for a brand to have a better position on the internet, establish authority in its sector and manage to attract customers and leads (potential customers)

In addition, the blog is useful to educate the market.

What is Facebook?

Facebook is a social network that connects people with others regardless of their geographic location. Although strong competitors such as TikTok have arrived, it continues to be the leader of social networks with more than 2.94 billion monthly active people.

This makes it an attractive online channel for brands to start attracting the audience they are looking for through organic posts or ads.

What is Facebook for?

Facebook in the field of business is used for a brand to become known, find new customers and be a way to generate traffic to a website or blog.

By having all these utilities, it is considered a great digital channel to connect with the public. But that's not why it should be the social network you should always start with.

Soon I will talk about how to know if Facebook is what you need!

Facebook vs blog: the outstanding differences between both digital channels

The winner in the confrontation of Facebook vs blog is the blog. Let's see why:


On a Facebook page, personalization is extremely scarce, which causes all the pages of the social network to look the same. On the blog, on the other hand, you can customize what you want and create the most suitable designs for the brand.

With a blog, you have the possibility to differentiate yourself even by design. But how will you do it? Well, if you use the WordPress content manager (the one I recommend the most to create a blog) you can add a theme to embellish it.

The theme I recommend using is Astra.


A profile on Facebook is not yours, on the contrary, a blog belongs to you. If Facebook will disappear you will not be able to do or claim anything.

Of course, the fact that Facebook disappears seems unlikely, but you don't have to go that far, just by changing its policies negatively for companies and businesses, you will feel the bitter pill of not being able to say something to change it.

Author's note

Free blogs are just like social networks, they belong to the owners of the platforms. This article is based on paid blogs. If you are serious about your business or personal brand, paid blogging is the right tool. Investing is necessary!


The length of content on Facebook is limited, you cannot write in detail about something in your industry or product. On the other hand, in the blog, there are no character limits, you can write everything you need in great detail.

As an extra point, in a blog there is the possibility of uploading in the same entry:

  • Images (any size)
  • Videos
  • Infographics
  • Audio


All this makes a single blog content more complete than Facebook.

Point to highlight

And although extensive content could be created without limits on Facebook, few users would read it. It is not the appropriate space for this kind of content.


On Facebook, finding an old post for both you and your users is a tedious task, since you have to search manually by going through the wall of posts. In a blog the same thing does not happen, you insert a search engine (a blog element) and from there you can find any publication by placing its title or keywords.


The followers or fans of the Facebook account are not yours, just close Facebook and lose them all.

On the blog, the followers are yours and you can send them emails so that they keep coming back to the blog or purchasing a product.

To get subscribers you must start a newsletter.

The blog allows you to create a loyal community for the brand!

Positioning in Google

Google is the most used search engine in the world, so positioning yourself in it gives you opportunities to generate customers and obtain more visibility on the internet. Facebook posts do not rank on Google, while blog posts do have the potential by applying SEO and working on the right keywords.

It is important that you are in Google and what better way to do it than with a robust blog with content that satisfies the doubts and solves the problems of a certain audience.

What is better a blog or a Facebook page?

The answer is clear: A blog is better than a Facebook page due to its numerous advantages over it, even so, you must evaluate if Facebook is the channel you need for your business or personal brand. If it is positive, use it to attract visitors to your blog.

How to evaluate if Facebook is a channel that you should use?

There are several methods to know if Facebook is the social network that you need to use right now, but this time I leave you with 2 basic ones so that you can replicate them.

1. Spy on the competition

Go to your competition's website or write their name on the different social networks and analyze which ones they are strongly present on.

If among the social networks you find Facebook, you should take it into account. As a requirement, before choosing a social network, verify that there are interactions by users and in general a good digital presence.

Your competition may be on the wrong channels!

If you go to a competitor's website, social networks are usually in the footer or rarely in the header.

2. Ask a key question

What social networks does my ideal client spend time on? It is the key question you must ask to determine which networks you should work on. After answering the question, you will have a list of social networks, but try to clean it up by determining which ones your ideal client spends the most time on.

It is likely that you will say: "My client spends on all social networks", but there must be one in which he spends more time and for that, you should start working with strategy.

Learn to optimize your time and resources.

Reasons to create a blog

If you are still not convinced about creating a blog, although you have already witnessed its confrontation with a Facebook fan page, I recommend you read the following article:


Blog or Facebook: you already know which one you should go for yes or yes! Having a blog in these times when users are informed before making a purchase is simply essential and a good strategy to reach the reader's target audience.

Although it is true that managing a blog is not easy, nor is it limited only to the creation and publication of entries, the reality is that learning how to do it is necessary because sooner or later a blog will be needed for the brand.

As for Facebook, it is very likely that your potential customers are there, but you should know if they don't spend more time on another social network like Instagram, for example. And what do you think about Blog vs Facebook? Which one do you choose? As always, the last decision here is made by you.